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Pickleball is a sport played between two teams of two players each and has become very popular over the last decade due to its low-impact nature and ability to be played indoors.

We took a closer look at the suitability of pickleball for seniors and put together some top tips to help you enjoy the game in a safe, fun manner.

What Is Pickleball?

Pickleball is an indoor/outdoor sport that combines elements of tennis and ping pong. It was invented by three dads – Joel Pritchard, Barney McCallum, and Bill Bell – in the 1960s and is now played all around the world.

The rules are simple: Two people play on opposite sides of a net with a small rubber ball called a “paddle”. Each player uses their own paddle to hit the

ball back and forth across the court. There are no racquets or rackets used in this game.

Pickleball can also be played with doubles, allowing more of you to enjoy the game at one time.

Is Pickleball A Suitable Sport For Seniors?

Pickleball has been growing in popularity over the past few years. This is largely due to its unique combination of fun and fitness, as well as the ease of picking up the rules.

It’s easy to learn and doesn’t require any special skills or equipment.

Anyone can take part in pickleball, whether they’re young or old. In fact, many seniors are taking up the sport because it’s a low-impact way to stay active while still having fun.

There are a number of advantages that pickleball can offer seniors, and these include:

1. It Is A Social Game

Pickleball is a great choice for older adults because it encourages social interaction and team building.

Playing pickleball together allows you to bond with others and share stories about your experiences. It’s also a great way to meet new friends and form new relationships.

2. It Keeps You Fit and Healthy

Pickleball can help you maintain your health and well-being as you get older.

Studies show that regular exercise can help prevent certain diseases and conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity, and depression (see also ‘Is Pickleball Good For Your Heart? Benefits & More‘).

Regular pickleball sessions can help you achieve all of those things.

3. It Can Help With Balance And Mobility

Pickleball is an excellent activity for improving balance and mobility. As you age, it becomes more difficult to move around without assistance, and balance is very important.

Falls are one of the leading causes of injury among older people.

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), falls are responsible for nearly half of all injuries suffered by Americans aged 65 and older.

Pickleball is an ideal activity for preventing falls because it involves movement and quick reflexes, which can help you to maintain good balance even as you age.

Pickleball is also a great alternative to walking or jogging because it is a low-impact sport, meaning that it requires less energy and is much safer.

If you have arthritis or other joint problems, pickleball may be a great option for you.

The gentle nature of the game means that it won’t aggravate existing pain. Plus, if you choose to play pickleball indoors, you’ll avoid the risk of falling on hard surfaces.

4. It Helps To Prevent Depression

Studies suggest that playing a sport such as pickleball regularly can reduce symptoms of depression.

Research shows that seniors who stay fit and active through team sports tend to report higher levels of happiness than non-players.

The reason why this happens is unclear, but it could be related to the social aspect of the game.

Pickleball is a social sport where you need to work with others to score points. It’s not just about winning; it’s about working together to win.

How To Enjoy Pickleball As A Senior

How To Enjoy Pickleball As A Senior

Whether you are 7 or 75, pickleball is a great game, and there are a number of precautions that you can put in place to protect your body and keep you safe as an older player. These include:

1. Warm Up Properly

Before you begin playing pickleball, make sure to warm up properly. Start out slowly and gradually increase your speed and intensity until you reach your desired level of exertion.

If you feel like you’re getting overheated, stop immediately and cool down before continuing. 

2. Use Good Equipment

When you start playing pickleball, you should use quality equipment. Choose a paddle that feels comfortable in your hands and has a smooth grip.

Make sure that the ball is soft enough so that it doesn’t hurt when you hit it.

 3. Wear The Right Shoes

You don’t want to injure yourself while playing pickleball, so wear shoes that provide adequate support. Look for shoes that offer ankle support and cushioning.

Also, consider wearing tennis socks or athletic socks under your shoes to ensure that your feet remain dry and protected from blisters.

 4. Stay Hydrated

As you get older, your kidneys may become less efficient at filtering waste products from your blood. This means that you will have to drink more water to stay hydrated.

Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day to prevent dehydration – particularly when you are exercising.

Pickleball Equipment

The equipment needed to play pickleball includes a pair of paddles (one for each player), a net, a ball, and a set of rules. To play, you will need a flat surface, such as a hard floor, grass, or concrete.

If your surface isn’t flat enough, you may want to consider using a pickleball mat. These mats are designed specifically to provide a smooth playing surface for pickleball.

They come in different sizes and shapes, so you can choose the best option for your needs.

1. Pickleball Mat

If you have a pickleball court already, or a suitable floor space, then you don’t need a pickleball mat to play.

However, if you’re looking to buy a new pickleball court, you’ll probably want to invest in a pickleball mat first.

A pickleball mat provides a smooth playing surface for your pickle balls and helps improve the game.

 2. Paddles

Pickleball paddles are made from wood, plastic, or composite materials (see also ‘What Is A Pickleball Made Of?‘). Wooden paddles are generally preferred because they are lighter than other types of paddles and are easier to grip.

Plastic paddles are usually cheaper but tend to wear down quickly. Composite paddles are typically stronger and longer lasting than wooden ones.

 Softer paddles can also be used when playing inside; this will reduce the impact and

improve safety in a confined space. Harder paddles are better suited for outdoor use.

3. Net

Pickleball nets are available in various lengths and heights. Short nets are good for beginners who are just getting started with the game.

Taller nets allow players to reach farther and make it easier to return shots. Longer nets are great for experienced players who like to keep the ball in play.

4. Ball

Pickleball balls are similar to tennis balls in size and weight. They are usually white, although there are red, blue, yellow, orange, and black versions available too.

Balls should feel soft and bouncy when bounced against the palm of your hand.

Final Thoughts

Playing pickleball is a fun way to exercise and enjoy an engaging, invigorating workout (see also ‘Is Playing Pickleball Good Exercise? The Ultimate Guide‘). By following these tips, you can enjoy pickleball safely and effectively as you grow older.