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It is estimated that nearly 5 million Americans currently play Pickleball and that number is only rising.

If you are someone who already plays or who wants to join in, you may notice that the sport has numerous intricate rules.

It is especially important to note that the way in which you serve in Pickleball has a significant impact on your overall game.

Thus, it is beneficial to know how to slice serve a ball similarly to how you would during a tennis match. 

Pickleball allows you to slice serve. This method involves curving a ball to one side in order to make your opponents rush towards the ball.

However, you will need to ensure that you are doing so without making an illegal serve.

Watching a furious slice serve makes for a highly entertaining game and you will undoubtedly impress others by implementing this style of serving.

This article will dive into more information on serving rules related to Pickleball and you can also learn how to accurately execute a serve yourself.

Slice Serving In Pickleball

Prior to slice serving, you are required to work around numerous rules in order to execute this shot.

Pickleball is different to tennis, however, there is no stopping the impact of the slice serve methods used in this game. 

Rules To Implement When Slice Serving

How To Hit A Slice Serve

Slice serving involves giving your opponent the opportunity to run out of breath due to the fast paced nature and direction of the ball. Within any specific serving situation, Pickleball rules stipulate what is and isn’t allowed.

Thus, to serve correctly in Pickleball, you are required to hit the ball with your paddle situated below your naval.

You also need to ensure that you are holding the paddle so that it does not rise above the top part of your wrist when you are striking it.

Alongside serving a below-the-navel shot, your paddle also needs to move in an upwards arc after you have hit the ball.

If you abide by these rules, then any method that is used by your paddle to implement a slice serve is entirely legal. However, it may take practice in order to ensure that you are serving these shots both accurately and correctly. 

Whenever you are handling a ball, the rules stipulate that you are not allowed to throw it in a downwards motion. However, you can throw it upwards if the ball is allowed to drop prior to striking it.

 You may also use your paddle to release the ball if it is not thrown or tossed using the paddle. A general rule of thumb is to allow gravity to work without creating direct force on the ball prior to serving.

As of 2021, the wrist, upward arc, and naval rules are not applicable if the ball is bounced prior to striking. 

Despite the fact that a slice serve does not require the ball to bounce prior to striking it, you are allowed to bounce it if it has dropped naturally without intent.

The ball can also be dropped from any height. You should feel entirely free to be creative when inventing a serve if any specific serving method does not suit you.

This is because a bounce, otherwise known as a “drop serve” allows for far more freedom.

Common Method Used To Slice Serve During Pickleball 

Slice serving in a game of pickleball is always a possibility. However, you will ideally need to create a side spin on your ball, similarly to how you would do during a tennis match.

This ensures that the ball moves across the court into the baseline of the opponent, taking them by surprise inherently. The key to serving the most successful slice during a game is to enhance your overall depth and speed.

The main purpose of serving is to create a far more challenging return. Thus, a slice serve is the best means of accomplishing this.

You will be required to take a number of steps towards the baseline whenever you are slice serving in order to obtain more momentum prior to striking.

Thus, the first step to take is to position yourself three feet away from the baseline for maximum impact. 

You should start serving by stepping forward two steps prior to dropping the ball to serve.

Then, use your fingertips in order to turn the ball using a snapping motion while creating a right-to-left spin when it is dropped onto your paddle. Ideally, you will want to drop your ball from neck length.

Whenever you are moving into the correct position prior to striking, you should ensure that your hips, shoulders, and feet are positioned at a sideways angle in order to create the appropriate amount of force to compliment your shot. 

As you are taking your shot, you should also ensure that you are shifting your weight by adjusting your waist and forearm, positioning them under the ball prior to hitting it from the middle of your paddle.

This technique greatly influences the overall impact of your slice serve and implementing a continental grip is the best means of holding your paddle.

Using a continental grip is similar to holding a hammer, however, if you prefer to use another grip, you should practice with whatever grip makes you feel comfortable.

Another style of grip can potentially work when implementing a slice serve. However, using a continental grip is always preferable as it opens up the face of the paddle, producing a more controlled and accurate hit by proxy. 


To conclude, this article has outlined how to implement a slice serve when playing a game of Pickleball.

Pickleball has become increasingly popular over recent years due to investments from top sports stars, thus, it is definitely worth learning the art of this sport and implementing the highest standard of techniques.