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The Flexbar Pickleball Power Grip Exercises

This TheraBand FlexBar Resistance Bar is great to improve your pickleball power grip. In this video I discuss 3 of my favorite flexbar exercises for most pickleball players.

I often prescribe these exercises for my physical therapy patients who are in the 6th week of recovery following a rotator cuff repair or total shoulder replacement.

The following video discusses using the flexbar for pickleball elbow pain but these same exercises are perfect to improve your pickleball power grip.

Flexbar Supination

Supination is the movement that turns your the palm of your hand toward the ceiling.

Using a flexbar you will grab with both hands facing palm to the ground. You will bend the flexbar in a manner that brings both pinkeys together.

I usually recommend this exercise be performed for 15 repetitions over 2 sets.

See photo below.

Man Bending Flexbar for Pickleball Power Grip

Flexbar Pronation

Pronation is the movement that turns your the palm of your hand toward the ground.

Using a flexbar you will grab with both hands facing palm to the ceiling. You will bend the flexbar in a manner that brings both thumbs together.

I usually recommend this exercise be performed for 15 repetitions over 2 sets.

See photo below.

Man using flexbar for pickleball grip strength.

Flexbar Twist

One of my favorite grip strength exercise to perform with the flexbar is the flexbar twist. This exercise may help pickleball players improve grip on the paddle when you mis-hit the ball and you feel the paddle wants to twist in your hand (see also ‘How To Get Fast Hands‘).

I usually recommend this exercise be performed for 15 repetitions over 2 sets.

See photo below.

Man Twisting Flexbar for Pickleball Grip Strength

Click the image to check pricing on Amazon. TheraBand FlexBar, Tennis Elbow Therapy Bar, Relieve Tendonitis Pain & Improve Grip Strength, Resistance Bar for Golfers Elbow & Tendinitis, Green, Medium, Intermediate What is the differnece between the different Flexbar colors?

TheraBand FlexBar, Tennis Elbow Therapy Bar, Relieve Tendonitis Pain & Improve Grip Strength, Resistance Bar for Golfers Elbow & Tendinitis, Green, Medium, Intermediate

* The lighter the color the lower the resistance. Here is a graphic from Theraband showing the different resistance levels.

I find that most adults prefer the green level of resistance for general grip strength and upper extremity stability.