Pickleball is actually a sport played using paddles that are similar to badminton or racquetball. Pickleball is often confused with ping pong because they share some similarities.
The main difference between these two sports is that players hit their ball with a paddle instead of a racket.
Pickleball was created in the late 1960s at Harvard University. Since then, it has become a growing sport worldwide.
In fact, the International Federation of Pickleball estimates that over 7 million people play pickleball today.
Pickleball is played indoors on a rectangular court measuring 20 feet long by 12 feet wide.
There are three types of games: singles, doubles, and mixed doubles. Each game consists of six points per player.
How Many Pickleball Style Courts Will Fit Into A Tennis Court?
There is no exact answer to how many pickleball courts can be placed on one tennis court (see also ‘Is Pickleball Easier Than Tennis?‘).
But, according to guidelines for the games, four pickleball games can be played on a standard tennis court (see also ‘Can You Play Pickleball On A Tennis Court?‘).
The sport requires about 4,300 square feet of playing area per game. A standard tennis court measures roughly 90 or so feet by an estimate of 60 feet.
So, if you want to play four pickleball games, you could place three sets of pickleball courts on a tennis court (see also ‘Pickleball Vs. Tennis: Which One Is More Fun?‘).
Or, if the tennis court itself is narrower, you might be able to squeeze in just one set of pickleball courts.
Let’s look into the dimensions of each court to give you a better idea of this.
Pickleball Court Dimensions
The standard size of a pickleball game court measures 44 feet long (inclusively inclusive of lines), 20 feet wide (inclusively inclusive of the lines), 36 inches high on the sideline, and 34 inches high in the center.
A pickleball court (see also ‘What Does A Pickleball Court Look Like?‘) must be constructed within those measurements.
If you are building a custom pickleball court, we recommend consulting with a professional builder.
Tennis Court Dimensions
The tennis court alone is actually standard-sized, with all professional courts being exactly the same.
If you want to play touch tennis, however, then there is no such thing as a “standard” court.
Different sizes exist depending on how much space you have available, what type of surface you use, and whether you’re looking for a full-size court or just a smaller one.
A tennis court is 78ft long (23.77 m). This is the distance between each baseline.
The lines marking out the boundaries of the court are called sidelines. Each sideline is 42 ft (12.7 m), making up the width of the court.
There are two service boxes located along the sides of the court, where players stand during serves (see also ‘What Is A Let In Pickleball?‘).
These boxes are marked with numbers indicating the number of feet away from the centerline. They are numbered from 0 to 10, starting from the left side of the court.
The court itself is divided into three zones: the front half, the middle third, and the rear third.
In fact, the entire court is split into thirds, meaning that every inch of the court is covered by a third of the total court area.
The court’s service line is 22 ft (6.67m) from the net, and the net itself is 32 ft (9.84m) high.
The net is usually painted yellow, although some tournaments require green nets.
Net Height
Pickleball is a game that combines elements of both tennis and ping pong.
While there are many similarities between the two sports, there are some key differences.
One of those differences is the size of the playing area. A standard tennis court measures 90 feet long by 60 feet wide, while a pickleball court is 45 feet long by roughly 20 feet wide.
The net height for a standard tennis court is 42 inches high, while the net height for a pickleball court will stand at just over 34 inches.
This could make a big difference in how well you play the game, especially since the lower area of the net height forces players to actually focus on accuracy and their control as opposed to strength and power.
Can You Convert A Tennis Court Into A Pickleball Court?
The number of pickleball courts across the United States is dwindling because there are fewer people playing the sport.
This problem is being solved by converting existing tennis courts alone into multiple pickle sports courts.
Depending on the size of the actual tennis court itself and the layout of the community, a conversion can take anywhere from 30% to 80% of the tennis court.
In most cases, the converted area takes up approximately half of the original tennis court.
However, some communities require a larger area for pickleball nets and players.
How Do You Do It?
If you are considering completely converting an existing tennis court into permanent-style pickleball courts, you will first need to address several issues: removal of the existing tennis posts; installation of new pickleball net posts with sleeves; and removal of the tennis net posts, which are usually located in a concrete footer/sleeve and anchored to the ground with a steel pipe.
Here is how it works:
- Remove the existing tennis posts, usually in concrete footers and sleeves.
2. Install new pickleball posts with sleeves in place of the old tennis posts.
3. Remove the tennis net posts.
4. Replace the tennis net posts with sleeves.
5. Reinstall the tennis net posts. The pickleball posts can easily be moved around as needed.
What Do You Need To Consider Before Converting The Court?
If you want to turn your tennis court itself into a pickles game court, there are some things to consider.
Next, you will then be required to purchase a pickleball net.
You must position the net so that the very center of the court is level with the net, and then it must be seven feet on estimate wide and roughly 36 feet tall.
Final Thoughts
Converting a tennis court into a pickleball court may seem like a daunting task.
But if you have the right equipment and know what you’re doing, the process should go smoothly. And once you get started, you might find yourself enjoying this fun alternative to tennis!